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The Great Cull 2 years 9 months ago #699

I think you are amazing. You have a beautiful soul Penny trapped in a body that is old and worn.

I have seen you many times “out there”. People don’t realize every tine we are taken out “earth body” pays a price. They want us to be less mobile it is easier for them to handle us.

Penny keep telling your truth.

Love ya.

Ian Starchild
System Administrator
Resident Medical BAMF

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The Great Cull 2 years 9 months ago #700

I remember saving your life against your will as your ship was being attacked.
Kruger. You were a surgeon on a medical ship in deep space.

But you haven't been terribly public about your personal story.

I'm just tired of being badgered every time there is a new person in our community. Especially when they are religious leaders instead of veterans.

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The Great Cull 2 years 9 months ago #705

Penny don't throw in the towel pleeeeez you're one of my favorite people like ever

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Hello Everyone 2 years 9 months ago #706

Penny, I am intrigued and ever-curious about your encounters with our so-called "gods" - anunnaki - to some that would make you a "god" but we know that they are just people - advanced people, but people nonetheless. For me your personal testimony helps me cut thru the BS of all these competing theories and contradictory histories - because every one of these "gods" has been pushing forth their agendas, using human mediums and channellers as their messiahs - who give flowery-sounding talks and charge a lot of money. You are an ancient being, and your testimony interferes with the agendas and egos of the bullshit artists. IMHO...... you are also fair and objective and respectful - even to ppl you disagree with.

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The Great Cull 2 years 9 months ago #708

I had hoped the Nachtwaffen would be interested in stepping in as white hats. they could if they wanted to. it seems they have no interest in the affairs of Earth, but now that humanity is basically being evicted from the galaxy and headed back to Sol, they might have to. they should come home and rescue their homeworld. if they don't, other beings with malevolent intent will continue to make havoc on humanity, here and out in space.

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The Great Cull 2 years 9 months ago #709

Got to say I'm not interested in an Earth indebted to to the Nachtwaffen. When people with a Teutonic warrior ethic save your ass, they usually expect your servitude as repayment.

Right now, I'm keeping my head down. The man I love waiting for our country to descend into barbarism under the weight of its own hypocrisy. He doesn't see his warrior values reflected in the laws and actions of "civilized" society, and thinks a collapse will give him a chance to build something he can live within. But if I lose him, before he loses me, I'm going to start publishing my ideas. Black hats be dammed! We need a global access to information agency designed to break down information silos, fight bias and spread information literacy. Disclosure is just one kind of suppressed information I study. I want to tell all the children of dogmatic fundamentalist parents and all the citizens of paternalistic propaganda addled states about the information that is being hidden from them and how to accesses it. We need a new age of enlightenment. Ethics and morals need to be elevated while capitalist greed is suppressed, for a change. Restore economic and political power to the masses, by keeping all governing bodies small enough for person to person relationships between all individuals. Direct democracy should be the foundation for any larger representative government.

You don't get any of this if warriors get to take charge without being balanced by pacifists.

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