There are a couple of issues with your analysis here.

1. Nacht Waffen and ICC DO NOT WORK TOGETHER. At all. Ever. They are mortal enemies. Seriously. Out of all the factions out there, the Germans are nearly universally hated. And the Germans have responded by not trusting anyone else. At all.

2. The Earth level Department of Defense think that they are going to use the Mantid Empire to create a war situation to eliminate the patriots and religious zealots and take over the world. What they failed to grasp is the Mantid Empire is who is behind the Urantia Book--and they have been nursing their own ambitions to take over Earth for themselves and have been blocked because Earth is a Galactic Authority Protectorate. Prime Directive Violation unless someone invites them in. Like the DOD.

3. Any Mantid Empire invasion will NOT result in the DOD in charge of Earth. Seriously. It will end up with the extinction of the human race and the Mantids here permanently. There is no hiding from a telepathic race that keeps spiders as pets.

I have not listened to much of Jason Rice's story. I served with the Germans in more than one alter, more than one trip. A lot of what he says about them is wrong and I know because I lived it. You can go ahead and believe him if you want, because you don't know me from Adam. But know that there are people who have really been there. And Tony is one of them. So is Ileana.